
Do you find AIDS jokes funny or dis-tasteful? | Formspring

Snippet of wisdom from VonSpears
I don't find any jokes funny based on subject matter alone. But I certainly think a joke involving AIDS can be funny. To call whole topics "inappropriate" seems to me ridiculous. Much humor is based on personal pain, or is a way of dealing with the harsh realities of life. As Mel Brooks said, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." Of course AIDS itself is not funny at all, and there's nothing funny about anyone actually having it. But it wouldn't be funny either if someone you knew actually fell into an open sewer and died. But the above quote is still funny as hell. You can't say you love black humor and be morally opposed to AIDS jokes in general. It's just illogical.
Do you find AIDS jokes funny or dis-tasteful?
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